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Five Ways How Gardening Help Seniors

Gardening is a nice and stimulating hobby which can be enjoyed by anybody, irrespective of their age. Who doesn’t want a garden full of beautiful flowers and plants spreading sweet fragrance and colors of joy everywhere? I guess we all like it.  Apart from looking nice and spreading joy, gardening also has health benefits which are good for us and especially for our beloved seniors. It increases levels of physical activity among elderly people and helps in maintaining mobility and flexibility.

Today, in this blog I am going to discuss ways how gardening helps our beloved parents and other senior members to remain healthy and happy.

Gardening can bring back self-esteem: Senior people often feel that they aren’t capable of doing anything fruitful anymore. So getting them involved in “gardening” can help to bring back their self-esteem. With each work they do in the garden like tilling, planting saplings, nurturing and harvesting plants they gain more self-confidence and new energy.

Gardening is good for our beloved elders Heart-Gardening involves various works like digging, planting new saplings, nurturing which require movement. It would help our senior members to keep their hearts ticking healthily. It also helps in preventing diseases like osteoporosis in elder people.

Gardening Strengthens Brain: According to the University of Waterloo, gardening stimulates the brain and improves its functioning. It has also been found in.

It helps in reducing stress and depression and brings Happiness: Nowadays most of us settle in abroad or other cities for better job prospects and in this process sometimes our dear parents have to live alone which leads them to feel depressed and lonely.  Gardening gives elderly people the joy of connecting to “Nature”. It can help to put their mind to work with a goal and a to-do feel- list for growing a beautiful garden which would help their mind to feel stress-free and relaxed. They would be more than happy to see a new life blooming in their garden. Also, gardening helps in keeping blood pressure or hypertension under control which is very much required to prevent heart attacks and strokes among seniors.

Taking up New hobbies: Our seniors would be delighted if they can have fresh and healthy produce from their garden, which they have nurtured with utmost care. They can also take up new hobbies like cooking new dishes using fresh herbs and vegetables from their garden, making pickles, jams and trying making craft items using flowers and leaves.

I hope that this blog would help you understand how much gardening can help to keep our beloved elders healthy and happy. And, if you are a senior member reading this blog Go out in building your dream garden now and keep smiling.