Nowadays life has become very fast for all of us. During the olden days, people used to walk for hours to reach a destination as the transport system was not developed. But, thanks to the advancement in technology, now we can take Uber or a taxi, even when our destination is just a 10 minutes walk. Even our beloved seniors who used to walk a lot are now habituated to taking a cab, neglecting physical activity. But, this lack of physical movement is not good for our senior loved one's health. According to various researches, Walking is considered beneficial for our beloved seniors and it helps them to remain healthy. It is easy and will not cost anything.
Today, I am going to highlight some of the health benefits of walking for seniors:
→ Walking is considered very good for cardiovascular health. Regular walking for 30 -40 minutes a day helps in controlling High blood pressure, and cholesterol, thereby reducing the chances of stroke, heart attack, and cardiac arrest to a large extent. If your senior loved ones have diabetes, regular walking can also benefit them. It helps to put check blood glucose levels. Don’t forget to seek advice from a doctor on how much walking will be good for them.
→ Another advantage of walking for seniors is it helps in boosting and strengthening the immune system. With, regular walking, the aging and weakened immune system of seniors can improve thereby preventing them from falling prey to certain infectious and other diseases.
→ Walking is also suitable for seniors’ bone and muscle health. It reduces the risk of certain types of arthritis and can help in relieving arthritis pain. Walking also reduces the effects of osteoporosis in seniors.
→ Senior people as they age often face balancing issues. Vision problems and vitamin deficiency aggravate the problem further. Our beloved seniors become prone to falls and trips due to poor balance. Walking can fix balancing issues in seniors and help them lead a more comfortable life.
→ Last but not least, walking helps in uplifting the mood by releasing endorphins (endogenous opioid neuropeptides and peptide hormones responsible for activating the body’s opiate receptors, causing an analgesic (pain-relieving) effect. According to numerous researches, walking outdoors reduces stress and improves the mental health of our senior loved ones. Encourage your senior loved ones to go for a refreshing morning or evening walk to feel refreshing and stress–free. If your senior loved ones are under the care of a Professional Caregiver or living in any Senior Living Home, ensure that they accompany your beloved seniors for outdoor walks to avoid any mishaps.
These are some of the important health benefits of walking for our senior loved ones.