Blood Pressure is a measurement used in medicine. In the body, the arteries carry blood away from the heart. As blood travels through the arteries, it presses against the walls of the arteries. Blood pressure measures how hard the blood is pushing against the walls of the arteries. A normal blood pressure allows blood to flow and deliver oxygen and other important nutrients to different parts of the body. We measure blood pressure with two numbers (e.g. 120/80 mm Hg). These two numbers are written as “systolic/diastolic” followed by the unit of measurement. Systolic blood pressure is your highest blood pressure measurement and is recorded when your heart contracts. Diastolic blood pressure is your lowest blood pressure measurement and is recorded when the heart is relaxed and filled with blood. If your blood pressure is over 120/80 mm it’s considered high and below that it is low blood pressure. The higher your systolic or diastolic pressure is, and the longer it stays high, the more damage is made to your blood vessels. Strokes and Heart Attacks are caused by damaged blood vessels. High blood pressure or hypertension is a silent killer and is one of the leading causes of death not only in India but also in the whole world. Apart from strokes and Heart Attacks, it is also related to dementia, kidney failure, and other serious ailments.
Let us have a close look at what causes high blood pressure, and how to manage hypertension in seniors,
Some known causes of High blood pressure are Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Long term kidney infections, Hormone problems like an overactive thyroid or underactive thyroid, Stress, Older Age, Genetics, Smoking and Consumption of alcohol, Being Overweight, Lack of physical activity, Too much salt in the diet, Sleep Apnea (a serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts), etc.
Anyone can get high blood pressure at any age. But, especially our beloved seniors and older adults have a greater chance of having it so let’s discuss some lifestyle changes you can implement in your daily life to lower the risk of this silent killer
♦ Blood Pressure Medication: If the doctor has prescribed any medication for your loved ones ask them to take the medication at the same time regularly unless told by the doctor to stop. Continue to monitor the Blood pressure of your beloved seniors every day at home with a blood pressure measuring device. If you are availing senior care services for your loved ones, the caregiver must monitor the blood pressure of your beloved seniors and inform the doctor in case of any abnormality.
♦ Check the bodyweight of your loved ones: Being overweight adds to the risk of high blood pressure in seniors. So maintaining proper body weight is very much required. Moderate exercises can lower blood pressure as well as body weight. Consult a doctor before starting any exercise plan for your beloved seniors to check whether it will be good for their health or not.
♦ Healthy Diet: A diet rich in fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products can help in the long run to combat this deadly disease. Ensure that your beloved seniors are having a balanced meal every day
♦ Cut down on Salt: As we age, the body becomes more sensitive to salt, a high intake of salt causes high blood pressure, so it is necessary to cut down on the daily amount of salt in the diet of elderly people. A low-salt diet might help lower blood pressure. Make sure your loved ones avoid foods like baked goods, chips, instant noodles, etc. as much as possible as they contain loads of extra added salt.
♦ Less alcohol: Drinking alcohol can affect the blood pressure of your beloved seniors badly. If they have a habit of drinking tell them it’s better to bid adieu to their drinking habits as soon as possible to curtail the risk of hypertension and other serious ailments.
♦ Tell your loved ones to quit smoking: Smoking increases the risk of high blood pressure, other heart lower the-related diseases, and cancer. Senior people are at a higher risk so ask your loved ones to quit smoking immediately and assure that they are never too old to quit, the health benefits after quitting can be seen at any age.
♦ Manage the stress level of your beloved seniors: Ensure that your loved ones are not overly stressed. Highlight the benefits of meditation to keep their stress and worries at bay. Make sure your beloved seniors are getting a good night’s sleep. Consult a doctor if you’ve your beloved seniors snore or sound like they have stopped breathing for moments while sleeping. This may be due to sleep apnea which needs immediate attention.
Last but not least, take help from any senior care service providers, Keep in touch with the doctor and dedicated care executives regularly, make sure that your loved ones don’t miss doctor appointments and medicines which he/she has prescribed, and finally encourage them to be positive, physically active, and happy.